Saturday, August 10, 2019

Consuming vs. Creating

“Don’t just plan to write - write. It is only by writing, not dreaming about it, that we develop our own style.” - P.D. James

A good friend of mine recently told me that he was thinking about how he should stop ingesting material and start writing. Consuming vs. creating is something I’ve been fighting with all my life. There’s always something else to read or watch. 

It you really want to create, there comes a time when you need to stop consuming and start creating. But then the doubts start. Do I have enough experience? Will it be good enough? Should I read/watch/study a little longer before I try to create something? 

I’ve learned that you need to just start. You have to have the confidence that you have enough experience, that you have consumed enough for now, and that you have something to say. But it takes takes effort and concentration. It’s much easier to sit back and consume, especially when everyday responsibilities take up so much of our time and energy. 

For the longest time I convinced myself that I would eventually get around to creating. The idea that I would just consume a little more now, and create later was comforting. Then things changed. It’s different for everyone. For me it was getting older and my father falling ill. He recovered but it made me reflect on life like I had never before. Then just as I got started, just as I was getting into a rhythm, the death of my father stopped me in my tracks. It was pretty hard getting started again. Life hits hard. 

Consuming good material is awesome and it serves a purpose. You turn the last page or watch the end credits scroll up, and you think, wow, that was amazing. I get a different feeling finishing my own work. It feels even better. But then the doubt comes back into play. That’s the next thing to overcome. Comparing. Understanding that it can’t compare to what influenced you, and that it’s okay if it’s not as good. The important thing is to finish it. Whatever it is, a story, a comic book, a zine, or a blog post. Finish it. 

Then start the next one.

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