Saturday, December 7, 2019

NaNoWriMo Diary Part Two

“As slowly as I write, the story seems to unfold itself, in spite of me.” - Isabel Allende

Saturday, November 16th
Decided to reevaluate my goals. The original plan was to write a collection of short stories with a prologue and epilogue. I figured that I’d work on one story a week. I finished the prologue quickly and wrote notes for the epilogue. The first story is taking much longer than planned. My new goal is to finish the first story.

I usually work Saturdays and it’s an early start. Working out of the office today so need to travel as well. No writing before work. Busy day so no writing during lunch either. Takadanobaba Taproom after work. Finished and posted a new blog post. Took up most of my time so didn’t get as much NaNoWriMo writing done as I had planned.

Sunday, November 17th
Set the alarm for 9:00 AM. Got up and headed to Starbucks. Got some writing done. Went to Watering Hole afterwards. Got more writing done.

Monday, November 18th
Slept in today. Didn’t get any writing done in the morning or afternoon. Didn’t do any writing until after work.  Dinner and writing in Saizeriya.

Tuesday, November 19th
Did some writing in the morning but not on my story. Worked on a NaNoWriMo blog post. Nothing during lunch. Saizeriya for dinner. Got some writing done but also had to do some preparation for work tomorrow. Busy week. Too much to do! Tried to flesh out some scenes. Feels like the story is getting convoluted and that I should do some editing. Told myself to keep writing and edit later. 

Wednesday, November 20th
Busy day at work so went in early. Ate lunch quickly and did some editing. Cleaned up the part that I felt was getting wordy and out of control.  Wasn’t sure how to handle it last night. Came up with some ideas today. Fixed it and moved on. More writing after work. Tired. Recently it seems like I’m thinking more about my daily word count than telling the story, 

Thursday, November 21st
Got up early. Did some writing but not much. Spent too much time goofing around online. Finally stopped myself and wrote something. No writing at lunch. Wrote after work. Was hesitant and nervous to get started again. Doubts. Tired. Jumped in and just started. The words started flowing. Part of the problem was moving on from the part I had been struggling with. Sometimes I overthink think things. I just need to start getting the words down.

Friday, November 22nd
I’m off for the next four days. Taking a trip to Kumamoto, Kushu to visit my good friend Patrick and his family. My plan was to do some writing on the plane. Didn’t happen.  Got up early to catch the flight and wound up sleeping on the plane. We took a drive to the next town for lunch, watched Seijun Suzuki movies, and went into the city for craft beer. Was beat at the end of the day so no writing. Actually felt good to take a break.

Saturday, November 23rd
Day of sightseeing. Road trip to visit a temple near Mt. Aso. Burgers for lunch at a place called Strong Boss Saloon. Stopped by a park with a gorgeous view of the mountains. Dinner at the local Chinese restaurant when we got back. More movies. You can see where this is going, right? Another day of no writing. 

Sunday, November 24th
Road trip to the town of Omuta for a lecture on Manga Karuta. Was great. Lots of old manga and karuta cards on display. Local style okonomiyaki for lunch. It’s made with a spicy sauce. Delicious. More movies when we got back. Love Seijun Suzuki movies. Started writing again in the evening. Was good to write again after a two day break.

Monday, November 25th
Flew back to Tokyo. Slept on the plane again. Started writing in the afternoon. Was tired but pushed myself to write something, even just a little. Need to keep going. Once I got started, I forgot that I was tired and the words started flowing. Back to work tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 26th
I’m at a point where I’ve  figured out a lot of the upcoming scenes and I know how they’re going to flow from one scene to the next. After that I have story beats that I want to hit and an ending. Still need to figure out how to get from story beat to story beat.

I usually discover new things as I’m writing scenes. I’m fascinated by this process. Things I didn’t think of before hand, character dialogue that I wasn’t expecting, suddenly pop into my head as I write. Between thinking out ideas during my walk home in the evenings and sitting down and writing, I’ve been able to move forward with the story. 

Wednesday, November 27th
Wrote a little during lunch. Just a few lines but it all adds up. Wrote more after work. Word count not as high as the last few days. Will be on a business trip on Friday and Saturday. Not sure If I’ll be able to hit 10,000 words. 

Thursday, November 28th
Dinner at Saizeriya. Crazy day at work. Didn’t get as much writing done yesterday as I’d hoped. Have to get up really early for a business trip tomorrow. Thought about stopping here and just not worrying about it. In the end I decided not to give up just yet. 

Friday, November 29th
Business trip to Matsumoto in Nagano. Had to get up pretty early to catch the train. It’s been awhile since I’ve been on a rush hour train. It was crazy how packed it was. At one point I thought I was going to have one of my ribs cracked. By the time I got on the express train in Shinjuku I was exhausted. Two and a half hour train ride. I slept most of the way.

Went to a brew pub after work. Nice little place called Bacca Brewing. Thought I’d do some writing but the staff and locals were friendly and we talked for awhile. Got back to my hotel and got in some writing before midnight. 

Saturday, November 30th
Busy day at work. Did some writing at the end of the day. Worked on the blog first. That took some time. Finally got around to working on my story. Very low word count today. Didn’t hit 10,000 words. Final word count: 8626. Pretty low but it’s more than last year. 

Final Thoughts
I like drawing and I like writing so I attempted both Inktober and NaNoWriMo for the second time this year. Having two monthly art challenges in a row is pretty tough. I really wish Inktober and NaNoWriMo weren’t consecutive!

While I’m disappointed that I didn’t meet most of my NaNoWriMo goals I’m pretty happy with the way my story is turning out. My long term goal now is to break 10,000 words next year. My short term goal is to finish the story that I worked so hard on in November. 

Next: More struggles with creating from my school days.

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